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donderdag 28 mei 2009

finally it's here "my airbrush"

this topic is about my new and first airbrush that i bought today. wel here are the pictures i just took over the airbrush. i you have any quistions about the airbrush, cmpressor, paint of something else -> just ask.

here is the airbrush
its from a german manufacturer. it is an harder and steinbeck evoluition silver line 2 in 1
i got the opertunity to test the airbrush before i would buy it. and i think it is an amazing piece of technology. it has a 2 cc cup, a 5 cc cup, and a 0.2 mm needle/ nozzle and a 0.4 mm needle/nozle. its realy easy to clean, but you realy have to be carefull with handeling the nozzle and needle. i wil need some time and much practice before i can make a good looking model hahaha airbrushing is realy a great art to do..

here is the compressor
it has a filter, wich takes out the water that hangs in the air. there is also a meter on wich displays the air-pressure its suplyning. and a regulator to control the flow/pressure air it delivers. its an iwatec aircompressor
the compressor turns of automaticly when it has enough airpresure, and turns on when its tolow to use your airbrush. it hardly makes any sound wich is a good thing.

if you're working with your airbrush, you'll need a standard to put you airbrush in if you need your hands to be free for other work. i bought this standard with my airbrush and it can hold up to 4 airbrush-pistols at the same time

the airbrush holder is realy easy to use. you can mount is on a table or on something else. if you got the it mounted on a table you can turn the airbrush-pistol holder to any desired position

i also bought 8 colours of airbrush paint i will explain more about this when i used it a few times. i took the base colours that everbody needs for painting and some colours i will need for specific use like pink (hg aegis and mg infinite jusitice)
here is a foto of the paint

8 opmerkingen:

  1. o.O
    that's a nice airbrush and compressor,
    I envy you :P

    anyway, happy airbrushing :D!

  2. Zit er netjes uit Marc! Goed gereedschap is het halve werk, haha :)

  3. thanks for the re-actions, as i mentiond its realy hard to use an airbrush for the first time so if anybody has some advice for me please give it.

  4. Marc nice airbrush and compressor, i don't have tips because i'm not good at it yet, but keep practice.

  5. that's one nice airbrush setup you got there, seems like your models are gonna advance to a completly new level :D
    I don't have an airbrush (money, money, money...) but from ehat i heard you shuold work with pressure about 15-20 psi and it's better to make a few lighter coats than trying to paint evrything at once
    hope that helps

  6. It's a nice tool you have. Looking formward to the first projects with airbrush.

  7. Hee Marc, wat zijn je ervaringen met deze compressor?

  8. nog niet geruikt helaas, ben nu bezig met group build project ik denk dat dit eerste wirdt waar ik me airbrush op ga testen
    komt gelijk een revieuw bij dan
