It's one of my favorite mobile suits from Seed Destiny.
Like many others im a sucker for giant swords and with the sword impuse you get two!
I really love the scene's in Seed Destiny where Shinn completly wrecks everything with the sword impulse, not sure wich episode it was that Shinn goes beserk on the ships.
Maybe some off the readers know wich scene it is.
(found the scene with help from Wizzie, episode 12)
Take a look from 6 minutes and about 15 seconds tille the end to see the Sword Impulse in action.
Sword Impulse in action
I'll first show you some photo's of a bit of work i already did.
The armor put on the frame is to give you a bit of an idea how it will look.
Looks good dont ya think, and to be true im already some steps further than the photo's show.
At the moment i'm posting this part i already sanded the white parts.
And i sanded the sword, a piece of the backpack and im starting on the inner frame.
I'm sorry for the second photo, i know it aint really clear. i made this one to give you an idea how long the swords are combined.
They are a whopping 50 cm in lenght wich is extreme.
I'm still thinking of possible mods or just some minor changes in the paint scheme.
As for this post i'm done, i'll update you as soon as possible.
see ya.